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Heya, we're so glad you're joining us in September, hopefully we'll catch you then! We know starting Uni can be stressful and intimating -we've all been there. Below there's a few links to help you center your uni experience on Jesus from the get-go.
We're praying for you already!
Impact Groups
CU Impact Groups are at the heart of CU life, helping and equipping students to live and speak for Jesus whilst at uni. Impact Groups are all about being impacted by God’s word, then seeking to impact the university for good in Jesus’ name. They’re a wonderful place to make friends, get connected into CU life and receive help in finding a local church.
If you need some more specific advice or would like to meet up with a member of the CU in person, don't hesitate to get in touch via the contact form below, or send us an email at
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